
About the project

The project “Development of integrated touristic products for sustainable economic growth of Gostivar and Korca regions” is implemented by Municipality of Gostivar in partnership with My Career Skopje and Center for Mountain Development  Skopje. In Albania implementing organizations are Municipality of Korca and Center for Development of Community Korca.

The objective of the project is to increase the economic development of the Municipalities of Gostivar and Korca through creation of capacities for sustainable tourism development by investing in human resources, small scale infrastructure interventions and establishing a system for integrated functioning of all tourism related stakeholders. The small scale infrastructure improvements will contribute to the touristic offer of an integrated tourism product enhanced by exchange of experience between Korca and Gostivar.

Target groups of the project are educational organizations (school, universities), SME/SMI, Non-Governmental Organizations.

Activities that will be implemented in the project are:


  • A workforce development assessment (for tourism related workforce) performed in both Gostivar and Korca by assessing the both unemployed potential of both areas.  
  • Assessment of the needs of the tourism industry service companies for the type of skills, experience and attitude. 
  • Presentation of the findings and recommendations for the tourism sector stakeholders
  • Revision of existing curricula of the high schools in Gostivar and Korca
  • Drafting and approval of the new curricula for the department of Tourism management
  • Enrolment of the first generation of students in the 3rd and 4th year of studies
  • Organize a database of all tourism related companies in order to organize internships for the students
  • Train teachers in GCDF methodology for Career counselling
  • Train the students in career management skills, employment strategies and how to maximize from their internships
  • Train mentors at companies for internship methodology and organizing internship for the new entrants of the tourism management department
  • Evaluate the internships and summarize the recommendations to serve for improvements of the curricula
  • Training of 10 professional mountain leaders according to the recommended training standards of UIMLA (Union of International Mountain Leader Associations)
  • Involving the community to propose and select the final design of the netowrk of trails for hiking and biking and scanning the terrain
  • Designing the work-plan for building the trails network
  • Select the sub-contractor for the small infrastructure works on the trails
  • Publishing a map of the trails network in Gostivar region and promoting the trails
  • Establishing a network system for communication and cooperation of all tourism related stakeholders
  • Writing and publishing a tourism guidebook and leaflets about the tourism offer of Gostivar and Korca, Distributing the guidebook and the leaflets to touristic agencies in order to target both domestic and foreign tourists
  • Organize the offset of a new portal promoting the tourism potential of both regions
  • Organizing 6 (six) exchange of experience visits for municipality staff, companies and media and Writing 10 case studies - 5 for each area, promoting the publications and introducing them in the Tourism Management Curricula.



The project will be implemented during the period June 2014 – February 2016.

This project is financed by European Union.

  • Client
  • Budget
  • Duration
    18 Months

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