State University - Tetovo
State University - TetovoDeveloping the capacity of universities of partner countries in order to meet the objectives (of public institutions and private sector) strengthening their connections with labor market and offering entrepreneurship promotion programs.
New York University Skopje
New York University SkopjeNew York University Skopje is based on the principle of providing the highest quality education to its students, according to standards set by leading universities in the USA and EU.
University American College Skopje
University American College SkopjeThe UACS founding assumption is that all people are enriched by education. Consequently, it is our institutional mission: to provide excellence in higher education , to develop as a research and applied research facility and to offer education in English language and in Macedonian in selected schools...
South East European University
South East European UniversitySEEU is committed to accountable governance, to managing its resources efficiently and effectively, to establishing a mutually beneficial working partnership between its governing body, management, academic staff and students, and to practising continuous quality enhancement.
FON University
FON UniversityOur goal is to create true professionals, who will be prepared to embark upon all the challenges of today’s business world.